World Align | Maya Script
Barre Nick
Have you ever faced one of the following issues?
- Bake the rotation angles of a rotated object with reseted transforms
- Orient the object parallel to the world, with reseted transforms
- Align a cylinder with an odd number of segments
What if it's a 3D scan or a high-poly model with the unknown rotation and tons of polygons?
As modeller I had all this headache. But the worst thing for me is to measure it all by eye. After another headache of aligning the 3D scan, I finally decided to create this addon and put the end to this monkey job :)
How does Word Align script work?
All you have to do is to select face(s) on some two sides of a mesh, and your object will be world aligned or the rotation angles will baked into transforms (by option)
Advantages of World Align Tool in comparison with default Bake Pivot Tool:
- Doesn't destroy custom vertex normals!
- The ability to select multiple faces for each side for the best result. This is very useful if the surface is not perfect and has some noise (e.g. 3D scans)
- Works several times FASTER!
- Put the file into \Documents\maya\20XX\scripts
- To add the script to shelve or run from scripteditor or to add a hotkey - use following 3 lines below (Python):
import worldAlign as wa
Get objects rotation angles with transforms applied!
Сompatible with Maya:
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
8.41 KB
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